TNF Memorial Day 2024 at Demonstration School for the Deaf, Mampong

On Saturday, 14th September, the TheresaNaomi Foundation (TNF) celebrated its most impactful Memorial Day yet at the Demonstration School for the Deaf (DEMODEAF) in Akuapem-Mampong. The day was filled with heartwarming moments, fun activities, and meaningful discussions as TNF continues its mission of supporting underprivileged children and promoting inclusivity

Welcome and Insights from DEMODEAF

The day began with a warm welcome from Mr. Edem Divine, a school representative. He provided the TNF team with a brief history of DEMODEAF and the challenges faced by the students, including lack of funding, educational materials, and societal neglect of deaf children, even within their own families.

Mr. Divine emphasized the importance of vocational training, which equips students with skills they can use to support themselves in the future. His message reinforced the significance of the day’s activities and TNF’s commitment to making a difference in these students’ lives.

Fun and Games: Ludo, FIFA, Scrabble, and More!

The students were treated to a variety of fun activities. Board games like Ludo and Scrabble kept their minds engaged, while video games like FIFA and Call of Duty on PS4 and PS5 provided thrilling entertainment. The excitement didn’t stop there; students also enjoyed movie shows, engaged in drawing, and played with Lego, fostering creativity and teamwork.

With plenty of snacks like pastries and popcorn available throughout the day, the atmosphere was lively and filled with joy.

Generous Donations and Creative Murals

As part of TNF’s commitment to education, the foundation donated 1,000 pieces of exercise books, provisions, and stationery to the school. These essential items will go a long way in supporting the students’ education and alleviating some of the challenges outlined by Mr. Divine.

In addition to the donations, TNF led the students in creating vibrant murals on the school walls. These artworks not only beautified the school environment but also symbolized hope, empowerment, and inclusivity.

Empowerment Through Words: NaomiGirl Power Initiative

Nurudin Wahab Lartey, Founder and President of TNF, introduced the foundation and its impactful work to the students and staff. He shared the vision behind TNF and the importance of giving back to society.

Jennifer Addo, Treasurer and Lead of the NaomiGirl Power Initiative, delivered an empowering speech that resonated with the female students. She encouraged them to strive to be the best versions of themselves, reminding them that “the only stumbling block is their own imagination.” Jennifer also highlighted TNF’s commitment to various Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), including Quality Education, Gender Equality, Good Health & Well-Being, Reduced Inequality, Climate Action, and Partnerships for the Goals.

Menstrual Hygiene Talk and Kits Distribution

The female students also benefited from an informative menstrual hygiene talk led by Mrs. Elizabeth Kumiwah Baah. After the talk, the students received sanitary kits containing sanitary pads, antiseptic, pocket tissues, lip balm, and a NaomiGirlPower quote sticker. To ensure the lessons were well understood, some of the students demonstrated how to use the pads based on what they had learned.

Learning Sign Language: Bridging the Gap

Inclusivity was at the core of the day’s events. The TNF team took the opportunity to learn basic sign language, including phrases like “How are you?”, “Thank you”, and “God bless you.” This effort fostered a deeper connection between the team and the students, underscoring the importance of understanding and communication in creating an inclusive environment.

A Heartfelt Thank You

The success of the TNF Memorial Day 2024 would not have been possible without the incredible support of our donors and volunteers. We extend our heartfelt thanks to Apakan Securities, Jeremiah Ministries, Taibash Solution, JHBoutiq, Infinixel, and the Accra Zenith Lion’s Club for their generous contributions.

The TheresaNaomi Foundation remains committed to empowering underprivileged children and promoting inclusivity through education and community initiatives. Together, we can build a brighter future for these young leaders.


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